It's a small world after all
This is Vera. I met her while waiting for my train home to NYC from Baltimore this afternoon. I had just said a very tearful, heartfelt goodbye to some of my dearest friends and was feeling a bit heavy hearted. She asked me if I could spare some money so she could get a room at the shelter for the night. Sensing I was reticent to give her cash straightaway, she sat next to me and started to tell me her story. We are two years apart in age. She has three grown children, five grandchildren and used to work for homeless services in Baltimore. In fact, at one point when I was a case worker in Baltimore post-college, we worked for the same organization. After speaking with Vera for about twenty minutes, I gave her my change purse filled with my lucky coin, fifty dollars (enough money to secure a room for the week) and some extra quarters. Just before I had to leave to catch my train she held my hand, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Maria, life is a huge mystery. One day you could be working to help the homeless and the next day you could be on the other end asking to be helped. I know in my heart there are good people in this world and that is what keeps me going."